Welcome to volartrix.xyz

Hello all and welcome to volartrix.xyz a website all about the Volartrix Project theres a blog a project page and other stuff

Important notices

What is Volartrix?

Volartrix is a project created on 10/8/2024 by RaphtikAtGHG which primarily focuses of bringing out open source (free1) software that also has quality. We will probably use the Apache License 2.0 in our project you can feel free to contribute tho be aware the garbage/junk code will not be merged! Be aware that Volartrix is mostly interested in lowlevel programming and such. There are some links on the sidebar that you can click on for socials etc.. Please remember to check out the blog for updates.

  1. Free as in free in freedom ↩︎


The website for the volartrix project and other stuff